Press News | T-Mobile t-press /en/ Fri, 07 Feb 2025 09:10:33 +0100 Vladan Pekovič becomes the new Chief Technology and IT Officer for T-Mobile Czech Republic and Slovak Telekom T-Mobile announces a change in the company's top management. Vladan Pekovič has been appointed as the company's new Chief Technology and IT Officer since August 17 for the Czech and Slovak markets. Wed, 18 Aug 2021 10:23:32 GMT SPRING PARTY AT KAKTUS: 6GB AND UNLIMITED DATA FOR SOCIAL NETWORKS Kaktus is offering to its customers a unique mobile surfing package. Unlimited data on selected social networks and another 6GB, all for CZK 200 for 30 days. Mon, 19 Apr 2021 08:18:04 GMT T-MOBILE BUILDS THE STATE-OF-THE-ART 5G CAMPUS NETWORK FOR INDUSTRIAL USE ON CIIRC CTU Prague, 7th April - In the coming months, T-Mobile Czech Republic will build the most modern campus network in the Czech Republic for the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics (CIIRC CTU). The construction of the network is part of the Memorandum on Long-Term Cooperation on the Development of Industry 4.0, which was signed by both parties. The new 5G SA technology will be supplied by Ericsson. Tue, 06 Apr 2021 13:17:32 GMT COMFORT IS WHEN…? T-MOBILE IN THE NEW CAMPAIGN PRESENTS THE BENEFITS OF ITS MOBILE APPLICATION The campaign promoting the best care and comfort in the digital world will appear during March and April on TV, online media, social networks and in the operator's stores. Fri, 26 Feb 2021 12:32:53 GMT T-MOBILE IN 2020: SUPPORTING THE COUNTRY, RAPID GROWTH OF DATA CONSUMPTION AND BUILDING A GIGABIT SOCIETY Despite all the negative effects caused by the pandemic, T-Mobile has successfully coped with the situation and proved that operator stands by its customers and by the Czech Republic. Thu, 25 Feb 2021 08:08:59 GMT T-MOBILE APPOINTS NEW CHIEF COMMERCIAL OFFICER MAXIMILIANO BELLASSAI Experienced top manager with more than 20 years track record from the financial and telecommunication sectors. Maximiliano will take over his new role as of 1. March 2021. Wed, 24 Feb 2021 08:38:16 GMT T-MOBILE OPENS A UNIQUE SPACE IN THE CZECH REPUBLIC – THE MAGENTA EXPERIENCE CENTER This is a completely unique concept, which has no analogues either in the Deutsche Telekom Group or in the Czech Republic. Mon, 01 Feb 2021 11:59:22 GMT TELEVISION FROM T-MOBILE FOR TWO MONTHS FOR HALF PRICE Buying a TV from T-Mobile is now even more advantageous. In February and March a 50% discount on the regular flat rate awaits all new users of TV services for two months. Mon, 01 Feb 2021 08:27:57 GMT WHAT WILL COVID CHANGE? WE ASK THE YOUNG GENERATION THROUGH A JOURNALIST COMPETITION Student tariffs with unlimited data, telephones, school scholarship at a prestigious journalism school and paid internship in the editorial office for winners. Wed, 13 Jan 2021 08:31:38 GMT A MILLION CROWNS WAS DONATED IN THE T-MOBILE CHRISTMAS FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN Fundraising campaign “Supporting Stories” supports persons close to employees who most often find themselves in a difficult life situation. Tue, 05 Jan 2021 10:44:29 GMT NEW YEAR'S EVE 2020 IN THE T-MOBILE NETWORK Data traffic increased by almost half year-on-year, the number of calls remained at the same level as in 2019 and number of SMS declined again. Fri, 01 Jan 2021 12:42:23 GMT CHRISTMAS GIFT FROM T-MOBILE - UNLIMITED DATA FOR FREE Without mobile data, experiences can be hardly shared, which is why T-Mobile will give all customers unlimited mobile internet for free. And for the whole last week of this year - from 24th to 31st December 2020. Thu, 17 Dec 2020 15:19:33 GMT T-MOBILE AND CETIN WILL BUILD COMMON STATE-OF-THE-ART FIBER INFRASTRUCTURE FOR HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF HOUSEHOLDS AND BUSINESSES The joint co-investment project, aiming at covering hundreds of thousands of households and businesses to the fastest fibre network within the next years, in addition to the ongoing large-scale individual construction projects on both companies Wed, 16 Dec 2020 15:10:36 GMT T-MOBILE AND AGC TEST TRANSPARENT GLASS ANTENNAS AND WINDOWS THAT LOWER SIGNAL ATTENUATION Glass antennas for mobile networks – the ideal solution for historic city centres and densely populated areas Wed, 09 Dec 2020 15:49:41 GMT T-MOBILE INCREASES DSL SPEED USING BONDING TECHNOLOGY Bonding enables doubling of transmission speeds on metallic lines, so the availability of connections with a capacity of 250, 100 and 50Mbit/s will increase. Thu, 03 Dec 2020 10:12:33 GMT CHRISTMAS GIFTS WILL ALSO BE UNDER THE CACTUS The virtual mobile operator offers its customers a package of 6GB and unlimited data on selected social networks for a unique price of CZK 200. Tue, 01 Dec 2020 14:19:44 GMT Q3 2020: GROWING INTEREST IN MOBILE DATA – SUPPORT FOR THE CZECH ECONOMY – GIGABIT SOCIETY Despite the uncertain economic situation caused by the pandemic, T-Mobile achieved an improvement in key financial indicators in the third quarter compared to the second quarter of this year. Wed, 11 Nov 2020 16:41:10 GMT T-MOBILE DOUBLED THE VOLUME OF HELP TO PRIMARY SCHOOLS. QUICK DATA GIVES 20,000 NEEDED STUDENTS FOR FREE FOR 3 MONTHS Due to huge interest, T-Mobile has decided to increase its assistance to primary schools to 20,000 SIM cards with unlimited data for students who cannot attend online classes and their families are in a difficult financial situation. In response to the government's announcement of the extension of school closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the operator last Thursday, October 29, announced that 10,000 students would receive unlimited data for 3 months for free. Tue, 03 Nov 2020 14:38:03 GMT T-MOBILE LAUNCHES MOBILE 5G NETWORK AND WILL COVER QUARTER OF PRAGUE AND BRNO POPULATION BY THE END OF THE YEAR As of November 1, T-Mobile launches commercial operation of the 5G mobile network in the Czech Republic. The best 5G coverage will be offered by the operator first in Prague and Brno, where more than a quarter of the population will have access to 5G signal by the end of the year. The operator will also start operating the 5G network in part of line C of the Prague metro and will gradually expand it to a total of 35 stations by the end of the year. Wed, 21 Oct 2020 07:18:24 GMT T-MOBILE SUPPORTS SELF-EMPLOYED FAMILIES, 500 FAMILIES EQUIPPED WITH NOTEBOOKS AND INTERNET CONNECTION In the coming months, T-Mobile will equip five hundred single-parent families with laptops and high-speed internet connections free of charge. The operator has joined the charitable initiative of journalist Nora Fridrichová, and thus responds to the burning problem of the current weeks, which prevents many children from participating in distance learning. Fri, 16 Oct 2020 07:54:53 GMT