Prague, 11 September 2018 – In this year’s sixth edition of the MLUVME SPOLU (“Let’s Talk to Each Other”) grant programme, T-Mobile will provide nearly two million Czech crowns to support a total of 25 projects. The aim of all successful applicants is to tackle specific problems in their local communities and contribute to the improvement of the areas in which they live by involving also disadvantaged groups of people into their projects. Through the MLUVME SPOLU programme, T-Mobile has already supported 858 projects by providing financial aid in the amount CZK 62.2 million.

Successful applicants will receive nearly two million Czech crowns

A total of 136 applications were submitted in this year’s edition of the T-Mobile MLUVME SPOLU grant programme. As in the previous year, the largest number of applications were from Prague (49) and the Central Bohemia (19), South Moravia (11) and Moravia-Silesia (11) regions. Conversely, the least interest was from the Liberec region. T-Mobile will support 25 projects of both non-profit organisations (16) and local communities (6). A total of CZK 1,914,583 will be distributed among the grant recipients. Non-profit organisations, local communities and informal groups could receive up to CZK 100,000 to support the implementation of their projects. The grants are aimed at improving communication in various associations, groups and communities, improving the situation in specific areas of different regions and addressing the problem of cooperation and integration of different groups.

Experts helped with more than 130 applications

We carefully went through all received applications with the VIA Foundation, our expert partner, to verify whether the projects met all the necessary conditions,” says Eva Karasová, CSR Manager at T-Mobile. The evaluation criteria included the applicant’s motivation, the focus and impact of the given project, its benefit for the community as well as its transparency and sustainability. The themes of the projects registered in the programme this year are very broad, ranging from projects supporting the inclusion of people with different forms of disabilities into mainstream society, building community gardens or places where people can meet, nature trails and support for leisure activities of all generations. The grant recipients now have until 31 October 2019 to implement their projects.

Anybody can submit their application in the MLUVME SPOLU grant programme

The purpose of the grant programme is not only to facilitate the implementation of specific projects, but also to raise awareness of the work of non-profit organisations, local communities and informal groups among people in their surroundings. If people believe that there is something lacking in their community or if a particular activity or project does not receive sufficient funding and attention, they can themselves submit an application to receive aid for a project which, in their opinion, deserves to be supported.

More information can be found at

List of grant recipients within the T-Mobile Mluvme spolu programme for 2018



Amount of support


AmaTeatr pro sociálně znevýhodněné děti a dospělé

(AmeTeatr for socially disadvantaged children and grown-ups)

CZK 40,300

Spolek soused

(Neighbours’ Association)

Bio Bezdíkov

CZK 95,000

Up, z.s.

Hudba jede na výlet

(Music goes on a journey)

CZK 85,000

(Association of Non-Governmental Organisations)

Informační kampaň Zůstaň nad vlivem

(Remain above the Influence information campaign)

CZK 100,000


(We Help association)

Kofein pro Vaše srdce

(Caffeine for your heart)

CZK 100,000

ZO ČSOP Velké Popovice

(Core Organisation of the Czech Union for Nature Conservation in Velké Popovice)

Komunitní tvorba naučné stezky „Od zámku k zámku“ přírodním parkem Velkopopovicko

(Community-based creation of the “From Casle to Casle” nature trail through the Velké Popovice regional nature park)

CZK 50,700

Útočiště, o.p.s.

(Sanctuary charitable organisation)

Kreativně-ekologická zahrada

(Creative Ecological Garden)

CZK 79,533

Spolek na ochranu industriálního dědictví, z.s.

(Association for the Conservation of Industrial Heritage)

Mezigenerační taneční večery

(Intergenerational Dance Evenings)

CZK 25,000

Kateřina Hlaváčová

Mluvme spolu v Hrobcích

(Let’s Talk to Each Other in Hrobce)

CZK 58,000

Ondřej Koláček

Mobilní a webový databázový nástroj pro práci s lidmi zasaženými mimořádnou událostí (velkého i lokálního rozsahu)

(Mobile and web-based database tool for working with people affected by major and local crisis events)

CZK 100,000

Yogadana, z.s



CZK 97,600

ZO ČSOP Alter meles

(Alter meles Core Organisation of the Czech Union for Nature Conservation)

Obnova hřbitova původního německého obyvatelstva a úprava kostela sv. Bartoloměje pro společná setkávání komunity

(Renovation of a graveyard of the original German residents and modification of the St. Bartholomew church for community gatherings)

CZK 100,000

LENOX, z.s.

Osobní asistent v praxi

(Personal assistance in practice)

CZK 54,000

DW7, o.p.s.

Otevřený prostor pro všechny generace

(Open space for all generations)

CZK 100,000

Spolek pro Faunapark ve Frýdku-Místku

(Association for the Fauna Park in Frýdek Místek)

Oživme stodolu Faunaparku

(Let’s revive the barn at the Fauna Park)

CZK 100,000

České ILCO, z.s.

(Czech ILCO association)


(We Swim)

CZK 95,000

Miloslav Brada

Poznejme se skrze smysly

(Let’s Learn through All Senses)

CZK 42,150

SaK – Turná, z.s.

Společně pro Velkou Turnou

(Together for Velká Turná)

CZK 33,000

Rodiče za inkluzi, z.s.

(Parents for Inclusion association)

SPOLU VE ŠKOLE - semináře (nejen) pro budoucí pedagogy

(TOGETHER AT SCHOOL – workshops for (not only) future teachers)

CZK 59,000

Ivana Mertová

Svět v Kadani

(The World in Kadaň)

CZK 99,000

Centrum pro rodinu a děti Přerov, z.s.

(Přerov Centre for Family and Children association)

Terapie přírodou a obnova studánky

(Therapy through nature and restoration of a natural spring)

CZK 84,000

Helena Masníková


CZK 96,800

Liběchov sobě - spolek pro záchranu kostelíčka

(Liběchov for itself – association for saving a church)

Začlenění dětí s poruchami chování do komunitního života města

(Inclusion of children with behavioural disorders into the town’s community life)

CZK 80,000

Terezie Veletová

Zahrada pro děti

(Garden for Children)

CZK 86,000

Pražské forum

(Prague Forum)

Zlíchov je náš domov

(Zlíchov is Our Home)

CZK 54,500


About the Company

T-Mobile Czech Republic, a member of the international telecommunications group Deutsche Telekom, has almost 6.2 million customers, the number-one operator in the Czech market. T-Mobile is an integrated operator: in addition to telecommunications services, it offers comprehensive ICT solutions not only for companies, but also for other organizations and individuals. It provides outstanding services in the high-speed network, which was proved repeatedly by benchmark testing performed by umlaut (former P3) with Best-in-Test seal.

T-Mobile Czech Republic places emphasis on taking a responsible approach to the environment and society. It adheres to fair business practices, helps beneficial applications and services to see the light of day, supports non-profit organizations, small businesses and individuals, and lends a helping hand whenever crisis situations arise. The company’s employees serve as volunteers in many places across the entire Czech Republic.

More information about the company is available at, (the portal for journalists) and (information on the company’s CSR activities).

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