Call free of charge within the T-Mobile Family

  • Free calls among up to five numbers
  • 50% discount on the monthly fee for up to one year if activated by the end of August

Prague, 27 May 2008 - Being in close touch with family and friends has never been easier. Starting on 1 June, T-Mobile is introducing a unique new tariff-plan add-on called T-Mobile Rodina (T-Mobile Family). For a single monthly fee, a group of up to five people can call one another free of charge. Those who activate T‑Mobile Family by the end of August will receive a 50% discount on the regular monthly fee until 30 May 2009.

Unlimited calls among up to five people for a single monthly fee - this is T-Mobile Family. Calls are free of charge not only between the "group leader" and the group members, but also between individual members. Parents thus can keep tabs on their children, who themselves can chat away with each other, without worrying about their credit.

The regular monthly fee, which is paid by the "group leader", depends on the number of group members. If the group has three members (i.e., the group administrator plus two other members), the regular monthly fee for unlimited free calls is CZK 671.40 excl. VAT (CZK 799 incl. VAT). In the case of a four-member group, the monthly fee is CZK 755.50 excl. VAT (899 incl. VAT), and if the group has five members, the monthly fee amounts to CZK 839.50 excl. VAT (999 incl. VAT). This new tariff add-on is suitable for large families, as well as for couples or two friends, as a group may also have only two members, i.e. the administrator plus one member.

T-Mobile Family for half of the monthly fee for up to one year
T-Mobile has a special promo event for all those interested in this new service. Everyone who activates this add‑on by the end of August will pay only half of the regular monthly fee. Thus it is possible to save more than five thousand crowns on the regular monthly fee for one year if the group has five "family members."

The T-Mobile Family add-on can be activated by any contract customer except those who use selected tariff plans*. The group can include contract customers (except data tariff plans) as well as Twist users. There is no fee for adding a new member to the group or for changing any of the current members, which can be done 30 days following the addition of the given member. Any changes can be easily made via SMS, via My T-Mobile on the web or by calling the T-Mobile customer centre. Each customer may be an administrator of only one group, but can be a member of several "families".

Calls among group members do not use up any free minutes or credit. For sending a text message, the members will pay the price according to their tariff plan. This add-on is only applicable within the T-Mobile network and calls made while roaming are charged according to the standard tariff plan.

Group size Promo event* Standard prices
excl. VAT incl. VAT excl. VAT incl. VAT
Administrator + 1 335.70 339.50 671.40 799.00
Administrator + 2 335.70 399.50 671.40 799.00
Administrator + 3 377.70 449.50 755.50 899.00
Administrator + 4 419.70 499.50 839.50 999.00

Note: *Customers who activate the T-Mobile Family add-on by 31 August 2008 will pay half the monthly fee until 30 May 2009.

This add-on supplements the current offer of T-Mobile services intended particularly for families, such as:

T-Mobile Sponzor -
Call me back -
Credit top-up based on Statements of Services -

Note: *T-Mobile Family can be activated in combination with all tariff plans except BAV SE, Kredit 150 incl. HIT, Partner I., Partner II., Partner III., Happy Partner, T1, Data&SMS I, Data&SMS II, Internet 4G and ADSL tariff plans, and older tariff plans that are no longer included in the offer portfolio.

About the Company

T-Mobile Czech Republic, a member of the international telecommunications group Deutsche Telekom, has almost 6.2 million customers, the number-one operator in the Czech market. T-Mobile is an integrated operator: in addition to telecommunications services, it offers comprehensive ICT solutions not only for companies, but also for other organizations and individuals. It provides outstanding services in the high-speed network, which was proved repeatedly by benchmark testing performed by umlaut (former P3) with Best-in-Test seal.

T-Mobile Czech Republic places emphasis on taking a responsible approach to the environment and society. It adheres to fair business practices, helps beneficial applications and services to see the light of day, supports non-profit organizations, small businesses and individuals, and lends a helping hand whenever crisis situations arise. The company’s employees serve as volunteers in many places across the entire Czech Republic.

More information about the company is available at, (the portal for journalists) and (information on the company’s CSR activities).

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