Charity auction raises a record amount

  • T-Mobile employees contributed almost CZK 77,000 for charitable purposes
  • The operator will match the amount - thus, non-profit organizations will receive CZK 150,000

Prague, 5 December 2007 - The fifth annual charity auction for T-Mobile employees took place at the end of November. During the two weeks of the auction, employees could bid for items created by children and adults from non-profit organizations, special schools and citizens' associations primarily from the Hradec Králové region. The total proceeds from the auction reached almost CZK 77,000. T-Mobile will match this sum with the same amount of money, which means that the relevant organizations and associations will receive a total of CZK 150,000.

"The annual charity auction, now in its fifth year, has become an inseparable part of the Christmas season for us. A number of employees contacted me before the auction to ask about its date to make sure they wouldn't miss it," says Jitka Chocová, Corporate Social Responsibility Manager of T-Mobile.

Altogether, 229 employees took part in this year's auction; the number of bids reached a remarkable 1,277. Thanks to that, the highest amount in the history of the auction was raised - CZK 76,930, despite the fact that the auction lasted only two instead of the usual four weeks.

A total of 109 items created by children and adults from the eleven participating organizations were auctioned this year, including cups, jewellery, ceramic pictures and hand knitted socks.

The money will be distributed among the following organizations:

Regional charity in Hradec Králové
Special nursery school for children with impaired vision, Hradec Králové
Friends of the written word, Hradec Králové
Special school and nursery school, Chomutov
Klídek - low-threshold club for children and teenagers, Hradec Králové
Children day-care centre in Orlická kotlina, Hradec Králové
Civic consultation centre, o. p. s., Hradec Králové
St. Joseph's home, Žireč
Salinger civic association, Hradec Králové
Malšova Lhota nursery and elementary school, Hradec Králové 
Nursery school, Žatec

About the Company

T-Mobile Czech Republic, a member of the international telecommunications group Deutsche Telekom, has almost 6.2 million customers, the number-one operator in the Czech market. T-Mobile is an integrated operator: in addition to telecommunications services, it offers comprehensive ICT solutions not only for companies, but also for other organizations and individuals. It provides outstanding services in the high-speed network, which was proved repeatedly by benchmark testing performed by umlaut (former P3) with Best-in-Test seal.

T-Mobile Czech Republic places emphasis on taking a responsible approach to the environment and society. It adheres to fair business practices, helps beneficial applications and services to see the light of day, supports non-profit organizations, small businesses and individuals, and lends a helping hand whenever crisis situations arise. The company’s employees serve as volunteers in many places across the entire Czech Republic.

More information about the company is available at, (the portal for journalists) and (information on the company’s CSR activities).

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