T-Mobile Fund: Third year of the grant program

  • CZK 3.1 million to be awarded this year
  • A single project can be granted up to CZK 100,000
  • The application deadline is Friday, 27 April 2007

Prague, 5 March 2007 - Today, T-Mobile is announcing the third year of its T-Mobile Fund grant program, which is being launched in cooperation with the VIA foundation and the Community Foundation of the Euroregion Labe to support projects in the area of local development and community social services. A total of CZK 3.1 million will be awarded this year. As in the previous years, this amount will be distributed in the regions where T-Mobile has its offices and which it supports on a long-term basis: the Hradec Králové and Louny districts, and Prague 11. The deadline for submitting grant applications is Friday, 27 April 2007.

"We focus on smaller projects that directly affect people in "our" regions. Two years´ experience clearly shows that we are doing well in our effort to become a good neighbor that is not indifferent to what is happening around us," says Jitka Chocová, Corporate Social Responsibility Manager at T-Mobile.

The maximum amount which can be granted to a single project is CZK 100,000 and the project has to be implemented in the period from 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008. Applications for grants from the T-Mobile Fund can be submitted by Czech non-governmental non-profit organizations, local authorities, organizations whose projects focus on the improvement of the social and cultural environment or on activities that supplement community social services.

Applications for grants may be submitted by organizations that have their registered office or operate in the aforesaid regions and will implement the relevant projects there.

At the end of March, consultation will be provided to all applicants for financial contributions in the three above-mentioned regions on the following dates:

  • 27 March 2007, from 2:00 PM  T-Mobile Customer Centre in Louny, Komenského náměstí 2540,
  • 28 March 2007, from 2:30 PM  T-Mobile Customer Centre in Hradec Králové, Collinova 420,
  • 29 March 2007, from 2:00 PM  T-Mobile headquarters in Prague-Roztyly, Tomíčkova 2144/1.

T-Mobile employees will also have the opportunity to participate in the grant program. Like last year, they can recommend non-profit organizations known to them for participation in the grant program. "The pilot project was a great inspiration for us. I am very happy that our employees will again be able to support good causes through the program this year." says Jitka Chocová.

All information on the T-Mobile Fund grant programme, including the full text of the announcement, application forms and an overview of projects supported in 2005 and 2006, can be found at www.lepsisvet.cz, www.nadacevia.cz, and www.komunitninadace.cz

About the Company

T-Mobile Czech Republic, a member of the international telecommunications group Deutsche Telekom, has almost 6.2 million customers, the number-one operator in the Czech market. T-Mobile is an integrated operator: in addition to telecommunications services, it offers comprehensive ICT solutions not only for companies, but also for other organizations and individuals. It provides outstanding services in the high-speed network, which was proved repeatedly by benchmark testing performed by umlaut (former P3) with Best-in-Test seal.

T-Mobile Czech Republic places emphasis on taking a responsible approach to the environment and society. It adheres to fair business practices, helps beneficial applications and services to see the light of day, supports non-profit organizations, small businesses and individuals, and lends a helping hand whenever crisis situations arise. The company’s employees serve as volunteers in many places across the entire Czech Republic.

More information about the company is available at www.t-mobile.cz, www.t-press.cz (the portal for journalists) and www.t-mobile.cz/pomahame (information on the company’s CSR activities).

Contact details of the press unit: press@t-press.cz.